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four on four fullcourt

The new website is www.dbl.50megs.com

Stigmata has filled up the Guestbook Page once again with his irrational thoughts. I am in the process of trying to institute a new Guestbook Page on this present site or I will advise you of a new site with a new Guestbook Page altogether.





Article regarding Wednesday, November 2nd, way, way, way, way down below (next to the sun setting on Jose The MVP)


Article regarding Saturday, October 29, 2005 way, way, way down below - under the Stigmatized and Arraigned story

Stigmatized and Arraigned - Wednesday, October 26th (way, way down below - under the Ode to Bingo

ODE TO BINGO - way down below, under the godfather editorial

There is an EDITORIAL regarding la familia down below, as well as a plea for the Commissioner.

My informant network advises that congratulations are in order for Mark "Little Joe" Gonsalves regarding his recent induction into the Bridgewater State College Athlete's Hall of Fame. Luckily, everybody knows that Mark earned this honor through his outstanding play on the hardwood while a student-athlete at BSC. Otherwise, some people might have thought that the Chancellor of Bridgewater State College woke up one morning with a severed horse's head in his bed and had the revelation, courtesy of the godfather (Jose The MVP), that maybe Mark deserved induction. Congratulations, Mark. And, in absentia, Commissioner Roberge congratulates you too.



Article regarding Wednesday, October 19, 2005 below

    That was BULLSHIT. The End.


 Our other websites are: www.hamhocks.50megs.com








              Since it's raining for the third Saturday in a row, much like it did back in May, the editorial staff of the website thought that it might be a good time to run an expose', in the form of an editorial, that it's been cognizant of for a few weeks. The information garnered by the editors is being discerned now in light of recent actions at the Blacktop. As we all know, Jose Gonsalves goes by a number of different names (Jose The MVP, Ben Cartwright) and, as the Deputy Colonel of the largest gang in the state (no, not the Hell's Angels, the state police) he tends to have the ability to "sway" people into his way of thinking, whether through his skills of persuasion or, if need be, through strong-arm tactics. When you've got a gang the size of Jose's gang behind you, you tend to be in charge. Lately, Jose has been throwing his weight around, as far as authority is concerned, at the Blacktop, making up his own rules as he goes along. Thus far, due to his obvious gang affiliations, nobody, except one person, has had the guts to stand up to him and his abuse of power. Well, our staff has been doing a little digging into Jose's past (or is it passed?) and now realize why he's infatuated with his own power. Seems Mr. Gonsalves has been involved with a number of power brokers over the years. Our investigation first reveals a young (yeah, he was young once a long time ago) Jose involved with Al Capone, helping to run the rackets in the Windy City. After the IRS caught up with Scarface, Jose moved onto an affiliation with Bugsy Segal and actually helped found the city of Las Vegas. After Bugsy got clipped, Jose hung with Sam Giancana and was involved with Judith Exner in getting messages back and forth from Giancana to JFK in regards to trying to take out Fidel Castro (look up Judith Exner in Google and you'll see Jose mentioned). After Giancana bought the farm, Jose latched onto Paul Castellano and was there the night that Big Paulie was whacked at Sparks Steak joint in NYC. Look at some of the old pictures of these characters and, if you strain your eyes, there's Jose lurking in the background. Watch the History Channel or A&E when they do biographies of these characters and, if you pay close attention, you'll see Jose just in range of some of the camera shots. Why is our staff bringing this information to light at this time? Because Jose, not unlike John Gotti, Gerry Anguillo, Raymond Patriarca and Vito Corleone, has gone over the line with his power surge. Besides his obvious leadership position with the big gang (the state police), Jose is also the head of the smaller, but just as insidious, mob known as the Cartwrights. In conjunction with this smaller, but just as dangerous crew, Jose, or Ben as he's known in these circles, wields power and muscle over the Blacktop on Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings that Gotti could have only dreamed of. Ben makes his own rules at the Blacktop and everybody, or almost everybody, follows along, too afraid to rock the boat for fear of reprisals. Amazingly, even Jeff "The Assassin" Gardner has knuckled under and stood aside as Ben "Jose The MVP" Cartwright runs rampant at the Blacktop. Sure, The Assassin took a chaep shot at Ben last Wednesday night at the Blacktop and tripped Jose onto the asphalt, scuffing Ben up a little bit, but he only did it under the guise of a mistake. You don't want a connected guy like The MVP thinking that you actually tried to take him out, as we all know that Gardner really did. Speaking of Wednesday night, there was but one couragous man willing to stand up to Ben's reign of power that evening. As Ben flexed his muscles and ordered the ball taken out at the top of the key, only one person, not unlike the Chinese guy standing in front of the tank in Tienen Square in China a number of years ago, was willing to just say "No, this will not stand." Waiting for the backing of his "teammates" to help counteract Ben's godfather-like decisions, this lone contrarian was left hanging by his alleged comrades. They decided to take the route that John Connolly took with Whitey Bulger and be complicitous with the Blacktop godfather, Ben "Jose The MVP" Cartwright. In fact, in fear for his life for opposing the godfather of the Cartwright mob, this lone, heroic, person was forced to leave the Blacktop in mid-game, while his gutless teammates picked up The Chainsaw as a teammate and continued on, under the godfather's rules, without missing a beat. I never thought, in a million years, that I'd be saying this, but it's time for the Blacktop Commissioner, Stephen "Spec" Roberge, to come back to the Blacktop to try to wrestle control away from the godfather. Spec is the only person who can turn this lawlessness around and return the Blacktop to the state that it was in before Spec's tragic ankle injury. Back then, there were some basic rules to the game. If the amoeba press was being applied back during Spec's tenure, teams did the right thing and took the ball out at the point where it had gone out of bounds so that the press could be re-applied. With the Cartwright gang in charge, things are done however the godfather feels they should be done, regardless of any basic rules. My "teammate," William "Bingo" Shea stated that, in his Fall River experience, in a pick-up game the ball is routinely taken out at the top of the key. Well, I've played a little Fall River pick-up ball. How many pick-up games, in Fall River or anywhere else, impart the stategy of the amoeba? I've never seen it in any pick-up game anywhere, except for the Blacktop. Therefore, your opinion, expressed in the Guestbook Page, is off-point. Spec, we need you back, if not as a player at least as an honest arbiter of Blacktop rules. The godfather has expanded his power base onto the Blacktop and, with you and I teamed up, we can fight back for truth, justice and the American way. By the way Bingo, I will continue to put quotation marks around the word "teammates" whenever you are on my team in the future unless you stand up with me and Spec and turn this thing around.----------Soon, as has become customary, an interview with our last website patron, Norman "Hamhocks" deSilva. We sent Edward R. Murrow down to Dartmouth to sit down and discuss the Blacktop state of affairs with Hammy. So, stay tuned.      

THE STORY OF BINGO (borrowed, with alterations, from the late Lorne Greene) from the bad streets of Fall River

He lay face down in deSilva land, Clutching a six-gun in his hand

Shot from behind I thought he was dead, But under his heart was an ounce of lead

But a spark still burned so I used my knife, And late that night I saved the life of Bingo

I nursed him till the danger passed (past?), The days went by, he mended fast

Then from dawn till setting sun, He practiced with that deadly gun

And hour on hour I watch in awe, No human being could match the draw of Bingo

One day we rode the mountain crest, And I went east and he went west

I took to law and wore a star, While he shot jumpers near and far

With shooting and passing he gained such fame, Throughout the Blacktop they feared the name of Bingo

I knew someday I'd face the test, Which one of us would be the best

And sure enough the word came down, That he was holed up in the town

I left Jose's posse out in the street, And I went in alone to meet Bingo

They said my shooting was next to none, But my lightning draw had just begun

When I heard a blast that stung my wrist, The gun went flying from my fist

And I was looking down the bore, Of the deadly .44 of Bingo

They say that was the only time, That anyone had seen him smile

He slowly lowered his gun and then, He said to me, "We're even, friend"

And so at last I understood, That there was still a spark of good in Bingo 

Then, The Assassin took Bingo out unceremoniously! The End.


              The first thing I have to mention is that I would like to publicly apologize to Jeffrey Gardner for sucker punching him during early play last evening. This is not a admission of guilt, for civil litigation purposes, but I am sorry that I got carried away enough to actually strike you in the face. Luckily, as in most basketball fights, people ran in to break it up upon impact of the punch, so that The Assassin didn't have time to retaliate. Amazingly, with a 2" wide and 3" deep divot under his eye, The Assassin played the rest of the evening and didn't even attempt any retribution against me. Of course, worse than any retribution might have been at the time, now I have to worry about when and where TLA will strike on behalf of his ol' man. I'm sure that Jeff looks like Tony Conigliaro, circa 1967, this morning after the ill-advised sucker shot. I would like to publicly thank Don Corleone Gonsalves for immediately explaining Jeff's legal rights to him as soon as I punched him. The Don told Jeff that he could lock me up for a breach of the peace in his presence, if The Assassin so wished, or that Jeff could take out complaints for A&B today at the District Court. Jeff said that he would speak to his attorney wife last evening and hence this apology. Please do not go the complaint route and MVP thanks for being there when I needed you. I guess that the thin blue line and brotherhood of police officers goes down the tubes when a misdemeanor is committed in your presence. //// I would like to congratulate Mike Toole on his McDonald's High School All-America nomination. After the way he played last night, with Stigmata "guarding" him, it's obvious why he was nominated. Mike lit Stig up like a Christmas tree all night long, shooting left-handed, right-handed, front-handed, back-handed and every other way imaginable. One Stigmatism for the evening was when, after Mike had scored like 5 baskets in a row, Stigmata said, "I'm going to work hard to get a workout." Either Mike's all-world or Stig never got his workout in. Here's another Stigmatism for you. Stigmata takes a 16-footer from 18-feet out which slams into the lower backboard 2-feet left of the rim. What does Stigmata immediately say? "That shot was on-line." On-line to what, nobody knows. On-line to being a lower backboard away from being an airball maybe. How about another Stigmatism? Don Corleone Gonsalves got his way all evening long. Win or lose, if he wanted the ball, he got the ball. If he wanted the court, he got the court. Nobody was silly enough to mess with the Don - except, of course, the Stigmata. On a fastbreak, the Don ruled that Stigmata's basket shouldn't count because nobody was back for the defensive team on the break. Of course, we all capitulated immediately to the Don's wishes, but not Stigmata. Taking his life in his hands, Stigmata began arguing with the Don (Ben "Jose The MVP" Cartwright).  Can you imagine? Going against a decree from the Don on the Blacktop. It then became clear how much I actually like Stigmata because I immediately talked some sense into him and vehemently told him to give the Don his way - in everybody's best interests. Need another Stigmatism? How about this one? Stig is on my team at the end of the night. It's game point and, as he's taking the ball out of bounds, Stigmata tells me point blank that he will not pass me the ball. Of course, knowing that I was never getting the ball, I had no other choice but to walk-off the court. My team had to finish the game 3 on 2 thanks to Stigmata's insolence and ended up losing the contest. Here's a question. How can you tell Justin "Paulo" Coelho and Stigmata are friends? Here's a Pauloism (not to be confused with a Stigmatism). Paulo complains that there's no defense being played by one of his teammates (yours truly) as Mike Toole grabs a rebound from Paulo's reach and scores. I leave the game after that point and, after commenting about the team's lack of defensive intensity, Paulo's team gives up 14 straight unanswered baskets (15 overall), over a period of about 3 and 1/2 minutes to the other team, in two consecutive losses. Somebody explain this Stigmatism to me please. As he was leaving for the evening, Stigmata told me, in front of Don Corleone Gonsalves, that talking to me is "like walking in the cemetary. You're down below and you don't listen." What the hell kind of an analogy is that? Then, Stigmata says he got the quote from Bill Clinton. Maybe Clinton was speaking to Monica Lewinsky when he said it and, if he was, what does that have to do with me? Stigmata - you trying to imply something? //// Congratulations to Erica deSilva, who turned 18-years old yesterday. That's right - 18! Yes, we are getting old, but not as old as Don Corleone Gonsalves. Also, I found the key to Hamhocks' game. Hammy needs to play halfcourt at all times. With his bad knees and ankle, and lugging those massive arms up and down the court, Hamhocks is not suited to the fullcourt game. Case in point: Last night, during the five halfcourt games, Hammy shot 12 for15, with two game-winning shots. In the five fullcourt games, the Hamster only took 4 shots overall, making one. If Don Corleone Gonsalves decrees it, maybe we can just play halfcourt for Hamhocks' sake from now on. //// Bob Palindrone, let me tell you, you've missed a ton of Stigmatisms since you've had plants growing on your feet. By the way, you wouldn't have a nice Japanese Elm tree down there, would you? I need some shade for the front yard.  

Saturday, October 29, 2005

                It was Men's Day at the Blacktop. During an October blizzard, in 41-degree temperatures, only the real men showed up to play some hoop at deSilva's. The roster on Men's Day was Don Corleone Ben "Jose The MVP" Cartwright, Jeffrey "The Assassin" Gardner, Chad "Stigmata" Pimental, Norman "Hamhocks" deSilva and yours truly. If your name isn't listed amongst those five, get your ovaries examined. Anyway, it was 2 on 2 halfcourt, in deference to Hamhocks' game, with one sub. Every game went into overtime, with some very competitive action. Hamhocks proved why his game is suited to halfcourt by hitting 72 % of his shots, including a couple of game-winners. I was featuring some new headgear, provided by Hamhocks, that should give me some credibility should I decide to take my game to Bed-Stuy, in New York. The cover, due to the fact that it was a little tight (unbelieveably), also made my eyes bug out like an old lady who has had too many facelifts. Anyway, after all of the close contests, and a number of backdoor scores against me by both Stigmata and The Assassin, the Don Corleone/yours truly team was established. The Don boldly declared that his team would win 4 in a row and then maybe let somebody else win one. The competition (Stigmata/Assassin, Stigmata/Hamhocks, Hamhocks/Assassin) scoffed at The Don's exuberance. But, just like The Don predicted, his team rattled off 4 straight victories before The MVP stated that he was done for the day due to a weak back (How long has he had it? Oh, about a week back). Hamhocks was done too due to chronic knee problems, so all that was left was for me to antagonize Hammy and The Assassin, the losers of the final game. As I went on about how the Assassin/Hamhocks team never stood a chance, and how we only humored them by letting them stay in the game the way that we did, all they could muster, in the way of a retort, was Hamhocks mumbling something about somebody going over his back on the last play of the game, which lead to the winning basket. At that point, we all adjourned into the comfort of Hamhocks' house to badmouth everybody who didn't have the cohonies to show up to play for the day. The Don decreed that college football would be watched and, as usual, his wish was everybody's command. As we sat there watching Wisconsin versus Illinois, I mentioned that it might be entertaining to watch the 2004 BoB tape. The Don didn't care much for the idea (he was enthralled with Wisconsin/Illinois), but eventually let us watch the tape.  At 1:30 pm, you'll never guess who walked into Hammy's house. No, not Jenna Jameson - Steve Roberge. As soon as Robes walked in, The Assassin, unable to hide his disdain for the former Commissioner, got up and left. I tried to hang in there for a while but, after trying to hide my true feelings regarding the former Commissioner for a period of time, I couldn't take it any more and got up and went home too. I don't know how long Stigmata and Hamhocks were able to bear hanging, post-play of course, with Robes. Not long I would imagine. There's only one thing that Robes can do to try to gain some measure of respect back at the Blacktop (if he had any before) and that's lace them up and put it on the line. But, since that's apparently never going to happen, Robes seems to be looked at with the type of scorn usually reserved for people like OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson. Robes, I barely knew ye. One final note: The Assassin's contusion, under his eye, seems to be healing nicely, although he does have somewhat of a shiner. Jeff's shiner kind of looks like the eye of the dog that "The Little Rascals" used to hang around with in their old films (if anybody remembers The Little Rascals).    

The sun sets, hopefully soon, on Ben "Jose The MVP" Cartwright's reign of terror at the Blacktop.

Wednesday, November 2nd

       Well, I have to admit it. Spec (after last night I'm back to the name  Spec) showed up, in a ridiculous outfit, to play some ball. I was sure he wouldn't be there, but he was. Not only that, but Spec earned a share of the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize by getting Paulo and Stigmata to kiss and make up. It was a touching scene, orchestrated by Spec, and should lead to Spec's buddy Dubya nominating him as the US Ambassador to the United Nations. The teams were Paulo, Mike Toole, Jose The MVP and The Assassin versus myself, Spec, Stigmata and Hamhocks. Noticibly missing were Chainsaw Smith, J-Man and Bingo. At any rate, games were on and they were highly competitive. Spec flashed his old Blacktop self and played really well until his ankle slowed him right down to parade rest. Stigmata actually (and I hate to say this almost as much as I hate to admit that Spec played well) played well also. He hustled around and shot well and even passed the ball to me a few times. Of course, McDonald's High School All-American Mike Toole still torched him a number of times but, after seeing Stigmata hustling around the way he did, I have to admit that Mike "The Toole Man" Taylor (remember Home Improvement?) has really improved in both his play and his confidence. Although, don't we all get a large dose of confidence when we see that Stigmata will be guarding us? The Assassin, much to Spec's delight, was gotten to by Spec, as only Spec can do to someone. The usually quiet and reserved made-man actually hollered profanities at Spec on a number of occasions last night, even using the F-word a few times. I'd like to publicly thank The Assassin for the abrasion (yes Stig, you're right again, it's not a contusion) on my left knee. The Assassin took me down last night reminiscent of the way he dropped Jose The MVP a couple of weeks ago. It's amazing the way The Assassin can make a hit look like an accident when we all know that he performs his hits with malice aforethought. How about when The Assassin shoved me as I was trying to get a rebound and The MVP got knocked some 15' out of bounds from the impact? The Assassin, being from a rival family, has no use for The MVP anyway. At any rate, the Paulo, Assassin, Tooleman, MVP team quickly grabbed the first two games of the best of seven series. Down 2-0, Spec looked stunned and tried to cheer his team back into contention. With Spec and Stigmata hitting numerous shots, and Hamhocks never taking any, the Spec / Stig / Hammy team came back to win the next three in a row to take a 3-2 series lead. Needless to say that Spec, at this point playing on just one leg, began to goad the other team on their three consecutive losses. Bad move. With Paulo, Tooleman, MVP and The Assassin hitting shots and giving everything they had, they won the last two games to take the series 4 games to 3. Spec limped off of the Blacktop in stunned silence, seemingly unable to believe that his team had dropped the final two games. There's no question, in my expert medical opinion, that Spec's got to get an MRI on that ankle. After all of the time that he's been on the shelf (Tedy Bruschi came back from heart surgery and a stroke quicker than Robes), it's obvious that Spec has some ligament damage in that ankle that will probably need to be repaired. So, it appears that Spec is through until next March or April. Will anybody bother to show up to take his place? Saturday it's suppose to be in the 60's and that will be the day to see if Chainsaw, J-Man and/or Bingo will answer the bell. Since Palindrone is into foot horticulture it would appear that he's done until next year too. Plus, he doesn't do Saturdays anyway. Hopefully, see you Saturday.